Chapter 22 - Desire

Alpha Damon's presence was strong; she became instantly alert to the man behind her. Aila glanced to the side, trying to keep the rest of her body from his view. Although she could not see him, it did not stop her from speaking aloud, "You know it's pervy to gawk at a woman getting changed."

"It's quite stalker-ish, really," He purred. The closeness of his deep voice made her jump. His chuckle rumbled through his chest, making her core clench. She closed her thighs together after feeling a little wet from his proximity and the thrill of him seeing the back of her naked body.

Goosebumps bubbled to the surface as she heard him step closer; the heat from his body radiated off of him to her. Aila continued to hold the hoody in her hand while her heart thudded erratically. She felt her cheeks blush at the thought of him hearing it. He took another step closer, making her tense in excited anticipation, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as her chest rose and fell rhythmically. 

A satisfied hum left his lips, his hot breath fanning the top of her head, making her eyes go wide from how close he was now. Suddenly, his large hands ever so lightly wrapped around her waist, making her gasp at the foreign feeling of his fingers on her bare skin. But willingly leaned back into him, her head against his bare chest as one of his hands went to her breast while the other slowly went down south and under her shorts.F0lloww new š¯’„hapters at nov/(e)l/bin/(.)com

Her nipples erected at his touch as her breath left harshly. She heard him moan, "You are perfect for me." As he leaned into her slightly, a low moan escaped her lips at the feeling of his large erection sticking into the back of her shorts. The end of his nose skimmed from the bottom of her neck and up into her hair. He inhaled deeply before a low rumble of satisfaction left deep within his chest.

Aila felt as though he was teasing her. His other hand only hovered above the area where she felt wet; in her mind, she was begging for him to touch her. The pleasure from his warm hands brought upon a raging inferno within her, making it nearly impossible for her thoughts to become coherent. But on the surface, she held herself back from her primal needs by biting her lip.

"Keep biting that lip, and I will do it for you," He growled before giving her a featherlight kiss just above her collarbone. The moment his lips touched her skin, she gasped as a fire ignited throughout her body, coursing through her veins. She instantly grabbed his dark locks as though he was kissing a very different part of her body. He made her hungry for more.

A low growl left his chest, and he nibbled across her neck, making her mind spiral while a soft moan escaped her lips. She heard his breathing become ragged as his hand in her shorts cupped her roughly, the other hand squeezing her breast hard that caused her arousal to shoot through the sky. A growl left his lips, his biting becoming strong on her neck, directly above a spot she wanted him to sink his canines into.

Canines? Why would she want that? 

Alpha Damon growled again, his voice deepening before it turned into an annoyed moan. He abruptly pushed back and away from her, making her gasp and place her hand on the tree in front of her for support. Aila felt dizzy in a lustrous haze from the Alpha. Her body was aching for his touch again, her desire burning through her. It was then she noticed a smell. It was a smell of arousal, and it was coming from her. Her cheeks burned from embarrassment.

"It's normal. Your sense of smell is stronger now. It was always there. You just couldn't tell before," Malia chirped in a love-struck voice. She had been very quiet in the heated moment between her and the Alpha, "I really hope he was our mate because oh Mumma, THAT is going to be hard to top. He has hardly done anything, and you were putty in his hands. His wolf as well.. he wanted to come out and play.." Malia continued to drool.

Aila snorted while the haze slowly evaporated; she couldn't believe how much she lost her mind then. Malia was right, he touched her and kissed her, and she just let him. She grabbed the hoody back from the floor, where she dropped it and held it against her chest as she turned around to tell the alpha male off. But as she did, she found herself standing alone in the woods. 

Aila's brows creased. She didn't know if she felt relieved or sad by his departure. On the one hand, she was relieved because she seriously needed to calm down, but on the other hand, she felt a slight pang of sadness that he abruptly left her. To say she was confused was an understatement. She threw her hoody over her head roughly, messing up her already dishevelled hair.

Instead of going back towards the mansion, she turned in the opposite direction, she guessed Alpha Damon went. Her emotions were in turmoil between sad, frustrated and angry while she searched the surrounding trees for the scoundrel. She was not just any she-wolf he could play around with, and she deserved much more respect than that. 

Although it was dark and the only light came from the moon and stars, she could still see perfectly fine except for everything being in a bit of light blue hue. She wondered if her eyes reflected blue as the other werewolves' eyes reflected amber in the dark.

A howl erupted in the distance, making her still on the spot. She became on guard immediately because that was not the wolf she was looking for earlier. The wolf nearby was not meant to be on the land, and something about it made her feel territorial; Malia growled and tugged on the reins, trying to emerge and shift. Yet, Aila was more strong-willed and kept her in check. 

A shuffling of leaves made her turn on her heel, with her eyes fixated on what it could be. A few wolves appeared and ran around her, heading in the direction of where the howling came from. Aila relaxed after realising they were part of the pack and seemed to be on guard duty.

"Aila, get inside. NOW," Alpha Damon commanded her through the mind-link. She almost jumped by how loud his husky voice was, but she refused to reply to him. Aila eyed the retreating wolves and wondered if he was one of them. However, her anger flared up by the sudden change of events, and she did not care. He teased her, made her lose her mind and then left before ordering her about.

Huffing, she turned back around and strolled purposely slow to the mansion, hoping to get a reaction from the Alpha. Yet, there was radio silence which made her be the one to get annoyed. Frowning, she began to scold herself and how she was acting. She let him touch her in such a way and THEN chased after him! If he were another guy, she would have kicked him in the balls before he laid a single finger on her. 

"But he's not just any other guy, Aila. He's the Alpha, and he's so freakin' hot, I could melt." Malia was daydreaming at the back of her mind, thinking of other scenarios that she and the Alpha could get into.

"I thought you found Kane hot?" Aila smirked as her eyes found Kane, who stood outside the patio door, his arms crossed against his chest. He wore khaki shorts and a black t-shirt, showing off the tribal tattoo that strained against his arms' big muscles.

"Pfft, please, who? We just had our minds blown, and that was without sex! Tell me someone else who could do that?" Malia was particularly happy about the Alpha's attention. Aila internally rolled her eyes at her. But her wolf helped her with her spiralling mood.


"About time," Kane glared at her, this time speaking aloud. 

"I was getting changed," Aila grumbled. She hated being scolded like a child, and she had to fight against her and Malia's urges to fight him and challenge his dominance. Aila realised she was becoming quite an angry and violent person; she never had these issues before being kidnapped. Although, she never noticed, as she used to take out her frustrations on the ice rink when she used to play ice hockey. 

Malia felt a pang of guilt, as it was partly her fault that her temper was becoming progressively worse, but she didn't stay down for too long. She believed it was their right to put people in their place. After all, it was Aila's birthright, and it was more of an instinct than her being an elitist.

"Uhuh, is that what you call it," His eyes glinted with amusement as he smirked, "come on, dinner is being prepared. It's about time you meet some of the others."

Aila's face heated by the thought of him knowing what happened between her and the Alpha until she realised the rest of what he said. 


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